Friday, January 2, 2009

rb & biab

To simplify this whole process-
I think I'd load the seq file, then select the style and generate the BB tracks in RB to save time

Do what you do in BIAB and then save the *.mgu file. Open Real Band go to file, open, navigate to the *.mgu file you saved and open it. That's the beauty of RB. You can now open BIAB tunes directly.

Another option- open both RB and BiaB, then copy the track from BB and paste it into RB on any track you want it on..

Load in your Midi file. Select the Style you require and Generate the Style Tracks. RB automatically adds the BB Tracks to the top of the tracks. If you want to add another BB Style tracks, use Tracks > Make all BB Tracks Regular Tracks first then Generate the additional tracks. Finally delete those you do not want.

Remember you can also generate RealTracks and RealDrums audio tracks.

I will open the midi file only and then decide what Biab tracks I need. Usually, I don't need a whole Biab arrangement just a few tracks to complement the midi file. Pick any empty track and right click it. That opens a box for you to select only the instrument you need like guitar for example. Pick a style, click the track and it creates a Biab midi guitar part. Don't like it, overwrite it with another style or maybe you might like it but you're not sure yet so pick another track and do it again. This way you're not wasting time generating 5 tracks all using one style, you're only doing exactly what you need at that particular time and you can create 10 different tracks using different instruments all with different Biab styles. And this is all using midi, the Real Tracks/Drums are a separate thing.

This is why I hardly use Biab any more except for the soloist, harmonies or making band charts. RB is way more flexible as far as song construction is concerned. Remember it uses the exact same chord entry screen with part markers that Biab does so it works the same way to generate parts. I can't remember the last time I cared about using the first 8 tracks as Biab tracks. Oh yeah and don't forget the partial track feature. You may only need a piano comp for bar 34 through 50 or whatever. Pick a style, highlight that part of the track, right click, pick the piano and viola, done.


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