Sunday, February 8, 2009

using biab

using biab

*Don't neglect the EAR TRAINER in BIAB. Start with simple interval identification from the same root and play the game. Ten minutes a day or so is all it takes to develop a monster pair of relative pitch identifying ears. 

*I use BIAB for PRACTICE. Of all sorts. Drillin' on the changes, drillin' on things like the ii-V-I's in rotation, the auto transpose feature found in the Prefs for practicing a song in all keys in rotation, with BIAB keeping perfect time plus having a backup band of at least bass, drums and sometimes a rhythm part is super shortcut to getting it down right. Being able to up the BPM as you go and all just adds to the accelerated learning curve that BIAB can provide. 

**I'll never forget how much better I learned to time things after seriously using BIAB for less than one year. All of a sudden live musicians I was playing with were obviously rushing, slowing down at more difficult passages, the whole nine yards. But I was not, because I'd been practicing at home with BIAB.** <-- And that was a long time ago, back when BIAB did a lot less than it does today and soundcards with built in cheezy FM MIDI synths ruled the roost! 


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