Saturday, March 14, 2009

biab Melody Wizard

Check to make sure that your drivers are set up appropriately for live (thru) playing. To do this *press Play*, then press some notes on the on-screen piano keyboard, or your qwerty keyboard. You should hear the notes when you do this. If you don't hear the notes, or if there is a long delay between when you press the note and when you hear it, visit the MIDI Driver Setup. If you are using MME drivers and a DXi/VSTi synth, select the checkbox 'route MIDI thru to MIDI driver' - otherwise there will probably be too much latency to play live. Then, try to select a low-latency MIDI Output Driver - something other than the GS Wavetable, for example a hardware MIDI synth. If that doesn't work for you, use ASIO drivers (you can download ASIO4ALL from the web). Then you can play thru the DXi synth.

If that's not what the problem is (i.e. you can hear the notes and the latency is ok), then:

1. Go to the Play menu and enable "Wizard playalong feature"

2. Press Play.You can position your right hand to press the enter and \ keys, and your left hand to play the T and 6 keys. These 4 keys have the same function. Press the keys in time with your melody, and you should be playing the melody notes.

3. You can use other hotkeys to vary the melody - QWER and YUIO can be used as approach notes before the next note in your melody, and the 5 key can be used to play the same note (as the last note played) again.

4. You can re-record your melody with what you play on the keyboard, by pressing Record. You will have the option to not keep the take - or select Soloist - Edit Soloist Track - Record to soloist part. This will retain the original melody on the Melody track, with your new melody on the Soloist track.

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