Sunday, April 26, 2009

click track

pgmucis_post, -Create one measure of drum click by using event list to insert C#2 channel 10 (sidestick) on the 1-1-0, 2-1-0, 3-1-0, and 4-1-0 of the first measure. 
(I use the sidestick because it cuts thru in headphones) -
-use 127 for velocity when creating the notes
-hilight the whole bar and copy it.
-Paste it, using the 'repitions' checkbox to set the number of nars to match the song.
-Assign the VSC DXi to the track, right click the track and auto convert it to audio on a blank tarck.
-turn off the midi track and hilight the new audio track.
-go into DX FX area and put PGPeakLimit on the track so you can make it as loud as you need to by pushing one slider up.

You should have a click in perfect sync with RD and one thats loud enough to make the drummers ears bleed, which in my experience is the correct volume to get them to even notice it, let alone pay attention to it! 

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