Saturday, June 13, 2009

Unable to use midi output driver

Unable to use midi output driver
tip: and unchecked all sw synths and configured the Roland VSG DXI synth,
There seems to be at least two areas of potential problem-

1. Use of ASIO drivers chosen in more than one open program ( I have had many problems using ASIO drivers but none with MME except for the latency which does not affect my use)

2. The grabbing of drivers when two programs with the same are used in a session

We have had success by these actions -

3. Complete closedown - wait 20 seconds and boot

4. Select ASIO drivers for one program and MME for the other

5. When the message shows you can choose an alternative driver for that session

6. Also one problem cleared itself after a Diskclean - Defrag and Registry clean and compaction

This seems to be a conflict rather than a bug in BIAB

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