Friday, June 26, 2009

Mapping Reaper to BIAB


Mapping Reaper to BIAB is doable. You will need to install a virtual midi driver (either midiyoke or maple midi should work which are both free) to accomplish this. Once you install the driver, you need to configure Reaper and BIAB.

in BIAB:
- Enable the virtual midi output. Go to "Opt/Midi Audio setup". In the "Midi Driver Setup" dialog box, set the "Midi Output Driver" to one of the virtual midi out ports (in my case, I use Maple midi so I have "Maple Midi Out: Port 1").

in Reaper:
- Enable the virtual midi input. Go to "Options/Preferences" menu and go to "Audio/Midi Devices". In the "Midi Inputs..." pane, enable the corresponding midi in for the midi out that you use in BIAB, in my case "Maple Midi In: Port 1". This is very important. You have to use the same in/out midi port number so the midi data will travel from BIAB to Reaper.

- Now, you will need to map the BIAB midi tracks to Reaper tracks. By default, BIAB uses the following channels for its midi tracks:
Bass - ch2
Piano - ch3
Drums - ch10
Guitar - ch6
Strings - ch7
Melody - ch4
Soloist - ch8

So in reaper, you need to create 7 tracks and set their midi channel input to the corresponding BIAB midi channel out (see above). In my case, I have the following tracks in reaper:

Trk 1: Name=BB Bass, midi in=Maple Midi In:Port 1, Channel 2
Trk 2: Name=BB Piano, midi in=Maple Midi In:Port 1, Channel 3
Trk 3: Name=BB Drums, midi in=Maple Midi In:Port 1, Channel 10
Trk 4: Name=BB Guitar, midi in=Maple Midi In:Port 1, Channel 6
... and so on and so forth, you get the idea

Then, assign the virtual instruments on each track in Reaper. Make sure that you turn on "Record Arm" and "Monitor input" on all the 7 Reaper tracks to hear the sound.

Hope this helps!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

songwriting links

The Muse's Muse 

Pittsburgh Songwriters Network

Murphy's Laws of Songwriting provides multi-level song writing courses developed by award-winning songwriters, song feedback, mentoring, one-on-one song coaching, co-writing, unscreened pitching opportunities and more. You will find all the tools you need to succeed as a songwriter -- all online.
At we’ll bring the music industry TO YOU.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Unable to use midi output driver

Unable to use midi output driver
tip: and unchecked all sw synths and configured the Roland VSG DXI synth,
There seems to be at least two areas of potential problem-

1. Use of ASIO drivers chosen in more than one open program ( I have had many problems using ASIO drivers but none with MME except for the latency which does not affect my use)

2. The grabbing of drivers when two programs with the same are used in a session

We have had success by these actions -

3. Complete closedown - wait 20 seconds and boot

4. Select ASIO drivers for one program and MME for the other

5. When the message shows you can choose an alternative driver for that session

6. Also one problem cleared itself after a Diskclean - Defrag and Registry clean and compaction

This seems to be a conflict rather than a bug in BIAB